Crystalizing a Fragmented Office
Watch an office staff of fragmented individuals become a Cohesive, Compassionate and Courageous unit!
Training Synopsis...
Our client-centered approach was adopted from the International Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
​Deconstruction of Implicit basis
​​Defining "Implicit Basis"
Is it Really "Implicit"​
Role-plays ​
Engagment & reflection seen in a participatory format
Utilizing the circle method for exchanging of information​
Immediate feedback
Light N' Livelies
Laughter and learning
​Stationary alternatives for any required movement​
Best practices
Tips - what are others doing?
Consensus on +/- work environment ​​
Personalized Workshops
Pre-workshop meeting
Identify Theme/Goals​
2 or 4 or 6 hours in duration Only